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AURORA - Sistema de Información Académico



Información detallada de curso


Primer semestre 2019
Abr 25, 2024
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Código y Nombre de la Asignatura: ADM 0032 - ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN
División Académica: Escuela de Negocios
Departamento Académico: Dpto.Finanzas y Organizaciones
PML 0055 Calificación mínima de 3.0 o PML 7560 Calificación mínima de 3.0
Número de créditos:
Intensidad horaria (semanal para nivel pregrado y total para nivel postgrado):
3.000 Horas de Teoría
0.000 Horas de Laboratorio
Niveles: Educación Superior Pregrado
Tipos de Horario: Teoría

In this course we analyze the different elements to be considered to design organizational structures according to the individual characteristics of each organization and which will respond to the challenges derived from an increasingly competitive environment. We study he key dimensions associated to the process of organizational design, he existing organization systems as well as the different organization techniques and their characteristics. Likewise, we pay special attention to the analysis of new organizational trends and the factors determining the organizational innovation processes.


Due to the increasing competitive pressure, globalization and the constant innovations in Information Technologies and communications, organizational design has become one of the most important priorities for organizations because of its essential implications in the capacity to face contingencies and to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.
These environmental factors have allowed the global market to be more accessible to a greater number of enterprises, which has promoted the creation of new organizational forms which maximize the use of organizational resources and determine a greater productivity.
This course will allow Business Administration students to design and manage the new structures supported on value chains and reaching an adequate communication and effective coordination between employees to reach the entrepreneurial strategies and goals.


To provide students with the necessary concepts and tools to design, implement and evaluate organizational systems and models under an integral scope which will allow organizations o face changes and challenges derived from a global environment.

Competence to be developed

Institutional Basic Competence: systemic thinking, analysis and synthesis capability, capability to organize and plan, oral and written communication and team work.
Program Competence: To design innovative organizational structures which promote organizations competitiveness in an ever changing environment.


At the end of the course, students will be able to:

Knowledge -knowing to know-
Know the concepts, theories and dimensions of organizational design. Identify the factors (internal and external) influencing the design of organizations and determine the organization systems. Know the different existing organizational techniques.
Know the new organizational trends.
Know the importance of organizational innovation in modern enterprises and identify the elements guiding these processes.

Abilities (knowing to do) Design organizational structures under a holistic scope applying the organizational design principles.
Evaluate administrative systems and models with an efficiency and competitive scope.
Implement organizational innovation processes

Attitudes (knowing to be)
Show a positive disposition towards ethical and responsible ways to reach entrepreneurial competitiveness.

To strengthen team work, decision making and assertive communication abilities
Develop critical and self-critical abilities.


-Introduction to organizational design, Organizations as systems,
-The concept of organizational design ,
-Dimensions of organizational design ,
-Relation between structure and organizational culture with entrepreneurial strategy
-Organization systems (linear, matricial, functional, virtual, through nets, etc.),
-The process of organizational design
-Stages in the organizational design process
-Organizational diagnosis
-Analysis of organizational techniques, Organization charts
-Process maps
-Flow diagrams
-Administrative manuals and technical norms
-New organizational trends , Empowerment, benchmarking, outsourcing, downsizing, work nets, tele work
-Organizational innovation Importance of organizational innovation for the enterprise performance
-Key aspects to promote organizational innovation processes.


-Orientation of the topics by the professor complemented with cases and readings of he recommended texts.
-Active participation of students through case studies, workshops, dynamics, etc.
-Reading control through the elaboration of summaries and essays on the topics seen in class.
-Application task where students will develop an organizational diagnosis and a design or redesign proposal.
-Analysis of news, articles and other related information


First Partial Exam-25%
Second Partial Exam-25%
Workshops (case studies), quizzes, and topic discussions-25%
Final Exam-25%


Daft, Richard (2006). Teoría y diseño organizacional. Ed. Paraninfo.

Damanpour, F; Evan, W. "Organizational innovation and performance; The problem of organizational lag". Administrative Sience Quarterly, N. 29 (392-409), 1996.

Gibson James(1993) Las Organizaciones comportamiento, estructura, procesos, editorial Mc Graw, Hill, Chile.

Hall Richard (1983) Organizaciones, estructura y proceso, Prentice Hall, México DF

Hamel, Gary (2008). El Futuro de la Administración. Grupo Editorial Norma

Kerton, L; Kimberley, J. "Managerial innovation" Handbook of organizational design, Oxford University Press, 1996.

Nadler David et al (1999) El diseño de la organización como arma competitiva, editorial, Oxford Press, México DF

Rodríguez Mancilla, Darío (2005). Diagnóstico Organizacional. Ed. Alfaomega.

Von Hippel, E.: "Lead users: a source of novel product concepts2. Administrative Science and Psychology of organizations. 1996.

West. M.A. and Farr J.L."Innovation and creativity at work". Edit. John Wiley and sons Ltd., London,1990.

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