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Información detallada de curso


Primer semestre 2019
Abr 19, 2024
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Código y Nombre de la Asignatura: ADM 0023 - DEVELOPMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE
División Académica: Escuela de Negocios
Departamento Académico: Dpto.Finanzas y Organizaciones
PML 0055 Calificación mínima de 3.0 o PML 7560 Calificación mínima de 3.0
Número de créditos:
Intensidad horaria (semanal para nivel pregrado y total para nivel postgrado):
3.000 Horas de Teoría
0.000 Horas de Laboratorio
Niveles: Educación Superior Pregrado
Tipos de Horario: Teoría

This subject must be the opportunity for students approaching graduation to develop an integration of theoretical aspects with the experience of entrepreneurial life; this goal will be achieved supported by academic formation, working experience and the commitment and responsibility with which they develop the programmed activities.

We will develop basic concepts of innovation and management of change and organizational behavior in the group, culture and work climate dimension making emphasis on enterprises in particular. We expect that future business administrators know and understand innovation (of products, marketing, process and organizational) for enterprises as a base to achieve differentiated competitive advantages which will allow them to compete in the new global economy.

We work with the relevant concepts, methodologies and tools of change management and innovation, culture and organizational climate to be “articulated” with local and international entrepreneurial reality.

3. Justification

In these times of intense national and international competence and of variable environments, where values evolve fast and resources turn scarce, Development and Organizational Culture have become the instruments per se to generate the changes required for agile adaptation searching for a greater entrepreneurial effectiveness.

For the above reasons it is increasingly necessary to understand what influences he behavior and performance of individuals and groups at work and additionally to determine how culture and the organizational climate influence the ways in which an individual conceives his work, his performance, his satisfaction and his relations and the way organizational transformations can be managed.

This knowledge is a key factor for the professional exercise of Business Administrators which is framed in complex decision making, where the most relevant is he human capital as a decisive element for competitiveness and permanence of enterprises within increasingly volatile and demanding markets.

4. Competence to be developed

Basic Institutional Competence: Strategic thinking to understand the Enterprise organization as a living organism inserted in a complex environment in permanent evolution.

5. Course Objectives


To provide last semester students of Business Administration the tools and concepts related with Organizations and the changes they face in an increasingly aggressive and competitive environment through methodological tools that integrate administrative theory with entrepreneurial practice.


1. To strengthen the conceptual and technical formation of students that allow them as future Administrators to make decisions related with the organizational changes within the enterprises.
2. To familiarize students with the organizational methodologies and systems applied by top worldwide enterprises to get valuable lessons for professional performance.
3. To allow the articulation of the concepts obtained during their career with enterprise cases and entrepreneurial leaders who have developed successful actions and strategies.
4. To make students aware of the need to strengthen the “managers of change” mentality so they can apply it in their professional performance.
5. To value the vital importance of the management of change in a globalized enterprise scenario.
6. To know he basic components of organizational culture and its impact in the work process and climate.
7. To understand the value of people as a key element for improving competitiveness in a highly complex environment where intellectual property, innovation, transformation and permanent creation become determinant elements for value creation in organizations.

6. Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
Knowledge (knowing to know)
- Associate basic concepts related to organizational change management with the rest of administrative concepts.
- To understand the nature and depth of the relations between the enterprise and the rest of the business environment actors to be ready to develop coherent activities of organizational change.
- To identify the fundamental factors to explain group behaviors within the organizations.
- To understand the effect of organizational culture in the individual behavior and performance of people and the work climate.

Abilities (knowing how)
- To design and manage programs of organizational change in the enterprises where they work.
- To identify change opportunities in the organizations as a product of the analysis of the strategic environment.
- To develop effective programs of intervention in key organizational aspects such as: motivation at work; organizational change and consolidation of organizational culture.

Attitudes (knowing to be)
- Interiorize HUMAN dimension and the impact of any change
- To strengthen their work capacity and their assertive communication.

7. Course Program

Organizational Culture
- Concept Reading and Workshop
- Components Reading and Workshop
- Characteristics Essay
- Elements of Innovative Culture

Organizational Climate
- Concept Workshop
- Models Reading
- Measuring examples Reading and Workshop

Organizational Change and innovation
- Essentials of change Workshop
- Motors and exploders of organizational change Reading
- Innovation management in organizations

Managerial abilities of the Business Administrator for change management.
- Leadership (Concept, types, characteristics of a leader, development of leadership abilities) Reading and Workshop
- Motivation (Motivational theories and their incidence in productivity) Reading and Workshop
- Communication (Concept process, types, mechanisms, impact in organizations) Reading and Workshop
- Team Work (concept, stages, team work learning strategies and elaboration of a shared vision) Reading and Workshop

8. Methodological options-Learning activities

- The course will have a mainly PRACICAL AND CREATIVE scope which will allow the students to develop a real exercise experience and knowledge synthesis.
- The constant reading of reading of Portfolio and Semana are suggested to find cases related to the topics dealt with in class.
- Analysis of real and current management cases based on the program contents.
- Individual essays about daily situations with implication in the business area.
- Presentations by students of specific topics of the course program.
- Participants will have an active role in each session of the course sharing experiences and perceptions of the environment.
- The semester Schedule will be modified with the approval of students without sacrificing the essence, from the topics defined for the course with the aim of adequate contents to the conditions of entrepreneurial environment.

9. Evaluation

Cases, essays, workshops and presentations of situations of the entrepreneurial world. 25%
First Partial Exam 25%
Second Partial Exam 25%
Final Exam 25%

10. Bibliography

TROUT, Jack. El poder de lo simple. McGraw Hill Printed Book Spanish Yes(1)
DUCK, Jeanie Daniel. . Editorial Empresa activa, 2001 Printed Book Spanish No
HODGE, B. J., ANTHONY; William P., GALES, Lawrence M. Teoría de la Organización-Un enfoque estratégico. Prentice Hall, 2005 Printed Book Spanish Yes(5)
SENGE, Meter M. La quinta disciplina. Printed Book Spanish Yes(1)
JOHNSON, Spencer. Quién se ha llevado mi queso? Colección Empresa XXI, 2000 Printed Book Spanish l Yes(1)
Chiavenato, Idalberto. Comportamiento Organizacional: La dinámica del éxito en las organizaciones. Mc graw Hill. Segunda edición. Año 2009. Printed Book Spanish ICONTEC Yes(1)
Hellriegel, Don y otros. Comportamiento Organizacional. Décima edición. Editorial Thompsom Learning. Año 2004. Printed Book Spanish ICONTEC Yes(2)
Hill, Ch. y Jones, J. (2.005). Administración Estratégica. 6ª edición. Editorial McGraw Hill. Printed Book Spanish APA Yes (English-1)
Koontz Harold y Heinz Weihrich. Administración: Una Perspectiva Global.. Mc Graw Hill 14ª edición. 2.012 Printed Book Spanish ICONTEC Yes(6)
Robbins, Stephen y otro. Comportamiento Organizacional .Editorial Prentice Hall.
Año. Printed Book Spanish ICONTEC Yes(2
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