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Primer semestre 2019
Abr 25, 2024
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Código y Nombre de la Asignatura: ADM 0019 - STRATEGIC MAGEMENT
División Académica: Escuela de Negocios
Departamento Académico: Dpto.Finanzas y Organizaciones
PML 0055 Calificación mínima de 3.0
Número de créditos:
Intensidad horaria (semanal para nivel pregrado y total para nivel postgrado):
3.000 Horas de Teoría
0.000 Horas de Laboratorio
Niveles: Educación Superior Pregrado
Tipos de Horario: Teoría

This course offers, from a global scope, the concepts and techniques of greater applicability in the formulation and implementation of entrepreneurial strategies. This way, the student will become familiarized with the meaning of entrepreneurial strategy and the strategic process having as a reference the perspective of the general and functional manager as well as the relation of the enterprise with the surroundings.


Besides providing students with a holistic vision of the Enterprise and the role of the administrator, it allows us to teach and apply one of the most useful entrepreneurial models: strategic direction, closing the education process of the future business administrator.


Institutional Basic Competence: Systemic thinking
Professional Specific Competence: Strategic tactical and operative thinking


Understand and use entrepreneurial strategy to achieve effective organizational results.


At the end of the course, students will be able to:
Knowledge (knowing to know):
- Know the role of the administrator at strategic level
- Know and interpret the concepts of entrepreneurial strategy
- Know and interpret the process of formulation and implementation of entrepreneurial strategy
- Know and understand the way how the functional areas of the organization interact in search of the organizational objectives.

Abilities (knowing how):
- Elaborate strategic diagnostics
- Formulate effective strategies
- Integrate functional areas in a systemic and strategic way

Attitudes (knowing to be):
- Show initiative for the diagnosis and solution of problems in an effective way and according to ethical and social responsibility principles.
- Willingness to work in teams under dissent and respect principles.


Garzon Castrillon Manuel (2009) Antecedentes de la planeación estratégica, Uninorte, Escuela de Negocios, Barranquilla.
Directive function and competitiveness

The concept of strategy Concepts of policies and strategy
Content of the entrepreneurial strategy and strategy levels. Business strategic units. The process of strategy formulation
Garzón Castrillon Manuel (2009) Modelos de direccionamiento estratégico, Uninorte, Escuela de Negocios, Barranquilla.
Alvarez Collazos. Augusto (2006) Caso la Gerencia Publica del municipio de Pensilvania, ESAP, Bogotá DC.

Strategic directioning
The purpose and mission.
Garzón Castrillon Manuel (2009) Modelo de direccionamiento estratégico Fases I y II, Uninorte, Escuela de Negocios, Barranquilla.
Garzón Castrillon Manuel (2009) Caso en Busca de la sostenibilidad, Wacra, Vancouver, Canadá

Strategic objectives.
Strategic diagnosis (I)
External analysis: General analysis of the surroundings
Garzón Castrillon Manuel (2009) diagnostico Uninorte, Escuela de Negocios, Barranquilla
Serna Humberto(1992) La gestión empresarial, Editorial Legis, Bogotá DC

Analysis of the industrial and competitor sectors; strategic groups.
Empleo de mapas de grupos estratégicos para evaluar las posiciones competitivas de las empresas rivales.
Rivera Hugo Alberto (2006) Caso Levantamiento del Panorama competitivo en el sector de la Sal en el Caribe colombiano, Cladea, Montpelier, Francia.

Strategic diagnosis (II)
Internal analysis: functional analysis and of the strategic profile
Garzón Castrillon Manuel (2009) diagnostico interno, Uninorte, Escuela de Negocios, Barranquilla
Restrepo Luis Fernando (2008) Caso Antonella, U.Externado de Colombia, Bogotá DC

Value chain.
Analysis of resources and abilities
Strategic analysis matrix.
Garzón Castrillon Manuel (2009) DOFA, Uninorte, Escuela de Negocios, Barranquilla.

Business strategies
Competitive advantage: nature and sources.
Construcción de una ventaja competitiva a través de una estrategia de nivel funcional. Hill & Jones (2005), cap.4.
Foley Sharon et al (2000) Caso La guerra de las colas continúa, en el libro la estrategia en el panorama del negocio, Prentice Hall, Mexico DF.
Generic competitive strategies.
Garzón Castrillon Manuel (2009)Modelo de negocios, Uninorte, Escuela de Negocios, Barranquilla
Foley Sharon y Parkaj Ghemawat (2000) Caso Wal Mart en el libro la estrategia en el panorama del negocio, Prentice Hall, Mexico DF.

Corporate strategies
Horizontal integration, vertical integration and subcontracting
Garzón Castrillon Manuel (2009)Estrategias, Uninorte, Escuela de Negocios, Barranquilla.
Valdes Luigi (2004)Caso Zara, en Innovación el arte de inventar el futuro, Editorial Norma, Bogotá. D.C.

Diversification, acquisitions and fusions.
Estrategia corporativa: diversificación, adquisiciones y nuevas empresas internas. Hill & Jones (2005), cap. 10.

The organization and the implementation of strategies
Corporate government
Valderrama Sánchez J Hugo Fernando (2005) El Pentágono: la clave del éxito de NCR Colombia S.A- Garzón Castrillon Manuel (2009)Modelo de negocios, Uninorte, Escuela de Negocios, Barranquilla
Garzón Castrillon Manuel (2008)La dirección General, Revista Equidad & Desarrollo Universidad de la Salle, Bogotá DC.
Strategic leadership


Lectures are used to generate topic discussions and to have chats with experts in the productive sector
Practical classes allow contextualization and the appropriation of the concepts related to the topics studied.

Learning is developed in a permanent discernment context where theory is thought through the study of practices of the real world and the use of situations, cases and other interactive teaching methods. Competences are particularly developed through:

- Knowledge (knowing to know): chatting with experts and guided readings
- Abilities (know how): simulations, case analysis, off campus activities.
- Attitudes (knowing to be): critical discussion and assignment of responsibilities


Written evaluation to measure the level of understanding of the concepts of strategy, directioning and strategic diagnostic with questions that allow the development of interpretative and argumentative abilities

Workshops and activities in and out of the classroom which will allow the development of the abilities and the attitudes defined for the course.

Simulation game through which he student will make strategic decisions that will allow him to apply the concepts related to the course

A written evaluation to measure the level of understanding of the concept of strategy, its formulation and implementation with questions that will allow the development of interpretative, argumentative and propositive abilities.


C.K. Prahalad. LA OPORTUNIDAD DE NEGOCIOS EN LA BASE DE LA PIRÁMIDE: Un modelo de negocio rentable, que sirve a las comunidades más pobres. Edit. Norma, Bogotá, 2005.
Londoño Motta, Jaime. MAC: EMPRESA Y FAMILIA, MEDIO SIGLO DE ENERGÍA. Casos empresariales colombianos. Edit. Norma, Bogotá, 2007.
Schneider, Ben. RESILIENCIA: Cómo construír empresas en contextos de inestabilidad. Edit. Norma, Bogotá, 2007.
W. Chan Kim y Renée Mauborgne. LA ESTRATEGIA DEL OCÉANO AZUL: Cómo desarrollar un nuevo mercado donde la competencia no tiene ninguna importancia. HBS Press, Edit. Norma, Bogotá, 2005.
Barney, J.B. y Hoskinsson, R.E. (1999). Strategic groups: untested assertions and research proposal. Managerial and Decision Economics, 11, 198-208.
David, Fred. (2003). Conceptos de Administración Estratégica. 9ª. Edición. México: Prentice Hall.
Garrido, S. (2003). Dirección estratégica. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.
Grant, R.M. (1991). The resource-based theory of competitive advantage: Implications for strategy formulation. California Managerial Review, 33, 114-135.
Hamel, G. Y Prahalad, C.K. (1995). El propósito estratégico. En: Arte y oficio de la Gerencia, Vol. 1. Bogotá: Norma.
Hill, Ch. y Jones, J. (2005). Administración Estratégica. 6ª. Edición. Editorial McGraw Hill.
Hitt, M.A.; Ireland, R.D. y Hoskinsson, R.E. (1999). Administración estratégica: conceptos, competitividad y globalización. 3ª. Edición. México: International Thomson Editores.
Hamel, G. (2000). Liderando la revolución. Bogotá Norma.
Minztberg, H.; Ahlstrand, B. y Lampel, J. (1998). Strategy Safari: The complete guide through the wilds of strategic management.
Porter, Michael. ¿Qué es estrategia? Y todas sus obras reconocidas. HBR, 1980 - 2005
Quinn, J.B. (1993). El concepto de estrategia. En Mintzberg, H. y Quinn, J.B. El proceso estratégico. México: Prentice-Hall.
Thompson, A y Strickland, A.J. (2003). Administración estratégica: textos y casos. 3ª. Edición. México: McGraw-Hill
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