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Información detallada de curso


Segundo semestre 2017
Abr 26, 2024
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Código y Nombre de la Asignatura: CSO 0100 - RACE, IDENTITY CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN COLOMBIA
División Académica: División Hum. y Cs. Sociales
Departamento Académico: Dpto. Historia y Cs. Sociales
Número de créditos:
Intensidad horaria (semanal para nivel pregrado y total para nivel postgrado):
3.000 Horas de Teoría
0.000 Horas de Laboratorio
Niveles: Educación Superior Pregrado
Tipos de Horario: Teoría

This course is presented as a space where students acquire tools that will give them an objective approach, describe, explain and interpret the historical facts for recognizing identity and Colombian culture. It is proposed to discuss in class by analyzing literary, artistic and great Colombian thinkers such historical facts. Along with theories of identity and culture.


The course is presented as part of the basic training curriculum at the Universidad del Norte. An objective approach to the most representative historical events of the country allows a critical stance toward identity and Colombian culture. What are the characteristics and fundamentals perceptions of being Colombian? Why do we act as we do? Is there Colombianness? Answers to this question are going to be made along the course from a sociological and historical perspective.


Understand and critically deepen Colombian history, a process that would enable a response to the construction of identity and Colombian culture.


At the end of the course the student should:
-The student knows effectively communicate their ideas regarding the topic.
-The student can explain the Colombian historical processes and how these are part of the identity and culture.
-The student performs argumentative shares, purposeful and performing in line with the requirements of the course.
-Students apply their expertise to a national analysis of historical and contemporary issues in relation to the time and historical construction.
-The student conveys confidence and security to express to the audience.


Colombia as a country
Theories of Culture and Identity
Colombian social problems and cultural movements


KALMANOVITZ, Salomon. (S.F) Oportunidades y riesgos de la globalización para Colombia. Banco de la República
HABERMAS, Jurgen. (1996) Conciencia Moral y Acción Comunicativa. Ediciones Península. Barcelona.. Capítulo 4.
CLARKE, Simon. (2008.) Culture and Identity. The SAGE Handbook of Cultural Analysis.
CLARKE, Simon. (2002) "On strangers: phantasy, terror and the human imagination", Journal of Human Rights,
ZIZEK, S. (1993) Tarrying with the Negative. Durham: Duke University Press.
VAN MEIJL, Toon. (2008) Culture and identity in anthropology: reflections on "unity" and "uncertainty" in the dialogical self. International Journal for Dialogical Science
BAUMAN, Z. (2001). Identity in the globalising world. Social Anthropology
HALL, S. (1996). Who needs identity? In S. Hall & P. Gay (Eds), Questions of cultural identity (pp. 1-17). London: Sage.
HERMANS, H. J. M., & DIMAGGIO, G. (2007). Self, identity, and globalization in times of uncertainty: A dialogical analysis. Review of General Psychology, 11(1), 31-61.
HALL , Stuart, et al. (S.F) Modernity an lntroduction to Modern Societies. Blackwell Publishers
COHEN, Anthony. (1993) Culture as Identity: An Anthropologist's View. New Literary History, Vol. 24, No. 1, Culture and Everyday Life. The Johns Hopkins University Press
APPIAH, Anthony. (1994) Race, Culture, Identity: Misunderstood Connections. The tanner lectures on human values. University of California.
WADE, Peter (1999) Cultural Identity: Solution or Problem? The Institute for Cultural Research
BONILLA, Daniel (S.F) Self-Government and Cultural Identity: The Colombian
Constitutional Court and the Right of Cultural Minorities to Prior Consultation
ANNCOL (Agencia de Noticias Nueva Colombia), 2004, "Silencing the Opposition in Colombia", 5 March, accessed at:
Appelbaum, N.P., 2003, Muddied Waters: Race, Region, and Local History in Colombia, 1846-1948, Durham: Duke University Press.
ICHRDD (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development), 2001, Mission To Colombia to Investigate the Situation of Indigenous Peoples, Montreal: ICHRDD.
CARRITHERS, Michael. 1993. Why Humans Have Cultures. Oxford: Oxford. University Press.
GILROY, Paul. 1987. "There Ain't no Black in the Union Jack": the cultural politics of race and nation. London: Hutchinson.

RODRÍGUEZ, F. Literatura colombiana y de los colombianos. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. 2010
FREUD, S. (1969) Civilization and its Discontents.London: Hogarth Press.
FOUCAULT, M. (1995) Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason.London: Routledge.
SWANSON, Philip. "The Post-Boom Novel" The Cambridge Companion to the Latin American Novel. Ed. Efraín Kristal. New York: Cambridge UP, 2005. 81-101.
RODRÍGUEZ, F. Literatura colombiana y de los colombianos. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. 2010
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