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AURORA - Sistema de Información Académico



Información detallada de curso


Intersemestral Jun. 2017
Abr 18, 2024
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Código y Nombre de la Asignatura: ADM 0018 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT
División Académica: Escuela de Negocios
Departamento Académico: Dpto. Emprendim y Management
FIN 4228 Calificación mínima de 3.0 y MDO 4010 Calificación mínima de 3.0
Número de créditos:
Intensidad horaria (semanal para nivel pregrado y total para nivel postgrado):
2.000 Horas de Teoría
1.000 Horas de Laboratorio
Niveles: Educación Superior Pregrado
Tipos de Horario: Teoría y Laboratorio

The course is developed by following the logic order that any professional must follow when willing to study the possibility to open a new enterprise. After choosing an economic industrial sector where the intervention is decided, and after determining if there is a market conflict which will generate an investment idea, a detailed analysis of the environment is started and through this, participants will determine the possibilities and restraints offered by the environment. After that, the stage of operation is simulated at a feasibility level with a diachronic and prospective scope of the projected organization with the aim of collecting support information for decision making and resource assignment by different agents in the economy real sector.


The generation of enterprises becomes an ideal solution to solve the problems related to unemployment and low economic growth in the economic environment, as is the case in Colombia where these problems outstand as fundamental characteristics.
New professionals must face labor market with the necessary tools to be able to design their own business plan and understanding the different stages of the successful consolidation of the idea of business they want to develop.


- Institutional Basic Competence: Systemic thinking.
- Professional competence: To elaborate, evaluate and manage entrepreneurial projects in different kinds of organizations.


This course will be oriented to:
- Give the student techniques, methods and criteria to be taken into account when formulating and elaborating an investment project and to provide them the analytical elements to evaluate entrepreneurial initiatives.


At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Know techniques to generate ideas.
- Express the results obtained in qualitative terms.
- Know the methods to develop sector prospective analysis of the enterprise and its environment located within the national or international context.
- Evaluate the environment to find business opportunities.
- Form an interdisciplinary team which will allow the evaluation of the feasibility of the system projected.
- Design an organizational structure according to the market and he technical design of the business.
- Determine the financial feasibility of an investment project.
- Develop the oral and written ability to develop synthesis and speak in public with a good lexicon and management of technical jargon.
- Develop management abilities, entrepreneurial spirit and negotiation and delegation abilities
- Apply tools which will allow them to define the acceptation in the market of a specific business idea.
- Relate concepts with a systemic and coherent conception.
- Have futuristic and analytical vision.
- Be committed to social reality.


- Introduction: Philosophy of the project. Introduction to system’s theory. Theory of systems and investment projects. The project’s life cycle (idea, profile, pre-feasibility or preliminary pre-project, feasibility or definitive project, project execution.
- Project identification: The logic framework (analysis of involved, the tree problem, the objective tree, the analysis of alternatives, generation of the investment idea, the matrix of the logic framework).
- The market studies: Environment analysis, determination of the interest variables, the provider sub-market (historical analysis, analysis of current situation, analysis of the projected situation) the consumer sub-market or study of the demand historical analysis, analysis of current situation, analysis of the projected situation), the competitor sub-market or study of the offer historical analysis, analysis of current situation, analysis of the projected situation), the distributor sub-market historical analysis, analysis of current situation, analysis of the projected situation), determination of the market price.
- Technical studies: Basic studies (choice/description of the process, determination of the convenient initial size, location decisions), complementary studies (Environmental studies, organizational studies, legal studies), determination of the technically possible price from the cost studies at the level of preliminary pre-project.
- Financial studies: Construction of the representative cash flow (determination of investments and costs or the incomes or benefits during t, calculation of the indicators of the project horizon), determination of the pertinent discount rate, calculation of the financial goodness( the present net value, the modified internal return rate, the equivalent annual cost) risk management (sensibility analysis, simulations)


- The learning-teaching model for this course is constructivist, applying a pedagogic strategy oriented to projects. The participants, in groups of three will choose an economy sector, identify a business problem/opportunity, generate and investment idea to later formulate an investment project at the level of pre-feasibility studies.


- A document and a presentation. Identification of the problem and generation of the investment idea. 30%
- A document and a presentation. Problem identification and market studies. 35%
- Document and a Presentation. Pre-feasibility studies. 35%


- Andrade et al. Pensamiento Sistémico
- Ackof Rusell. El arte de resolver problemas.
- Baca, G. (1998). Evaluación de proyectos. México: McGraw-Hill.
- Hanke y Reitsch. (1996). Pronósticos en los Negocios. CIUDAD: Prentice- Hall.
- Malhotra, K. (AÑO). Investigaciones de Mercados: Un enfoque práctico. México: Prentice- Hall Hispanoamericana.
- Sapag N., y Sapag R. (2000). Preparación y evaluación de proyectos. Chile: McGraw-Hill.
- Viscencio, H. (AÑO). Economía para la toma de decisiones. CIUDAD: Editorial Thomson.
- Carlberg, C. (AÑO). Análisis de los negocios con Excel xp. CIUDAD: Prentice Hall.
- Gutiérrez, J. (AÑO). Modelos Financieros con Excel. CIUDAD: Ecoe Ediciones.
- Mokate, K. (1998). Evaluación financiera de proyectos de inversión. Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes.
- Infante, A. (1997). Evaluación financiera de proyectos de inversión. CIUDAD: Editorial Norma.
- Varela, R. (AÑO). Evaluación Económica de Alternativas Operacionales y Proyectos de Inversión. CIUDAD: EDITORIAL
- Cabeza, L. y Castrillón J. (2008). Matemáticas Financieras. (2008). Barranquilla: Ediciones Uninorte.

- ABI/INFORM Trade and Industr
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