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Información detallada de curso


Primer semestre 2017
May 13, 2024
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Código y Nombre de la Asignatura: IGL 4925 - EXIGENCIA INGLÉS VIII
División Académica: Instituto de Idiomas
Departamento Académico: Dpto. Lenguas Extranjeras
IGL 4920 Calificación mínima de 3.0 o Homo. English Laguage program 008 o Certificado English Laguage Pr 008 o English Language Program 008 o Examen Suf.-T3 English Laguage 008
Número de créditos:
Intensidad horaria (semanal para nivel pregrado y total para nivel postgrado):
4.000 Horas de Teoría
0.000 Horas de Laboratorio
Niveles: Educación Continua, Educación Superior Pregrado
Tipos de Horario: Teoría

This course is for students in the undergraduate English program who have completed seven previous levels of General English and who need to strengthen and extend these bases, keeping in mind their needs as professionals and active members of society. This level aims to develop the necessary skills to continue successfully in their undergraduate and professional lives. This course focuses on the application of critical thinking skills in various areas of content. Students also take an international standardized test at the end of the course, which provides added value to their resume.


The focus of this course acknowledges the need of our students to familiarize with internationally accepted models of job search documents and expected models of performance in job interviews. It directly addresses our students¿ needs to perform successfully in the competitive workplace, which includes the ability to deliver well-researched persuasive presentations. It also prepares them for leadership positions by briefly discussing styles of leadership and examining case studies.


-Write effective resumes and cover letters
-Perform successfully in job interviews
-Write a well-supported argumentative essay
-Improve their reading skills and increase their vocabulary of their respective academic field (Engineering, Psychology, Social Communication, and Business Administration)
-Organise and execute a formal meeting

-Anticipate and practice a variety of questions and answers for job interviews.
-Demonstrate effective interviewing strategies.
-Support opinions with detailed evidence and
-Ask probing questions to elicit information, including evidence to support the speaker's claims and conclusions.
-Respond to peers opinions with questions, challenges or affirmations.
-Use appropriate career development and specific academic vocabulary.

-Interpret a speaker's verbal and non-verbal messages, purposes, and perspectives, particularly in job interviews.
-Respond appropriately to questions in job interviews.
-Determine the main points and supporting details of an authentic oral text (discussions, presentation, podcasts etc.)
-Make inferences and draw conclusions based on an oral text.
-Formulate opinions about the ideas under discussion and support those opinions with evidence.

-Understand and appropriately use career development vocabulary.
-Analyze the structure and format of workplace documents.
-Identify and evaluate author's arguments and purposes.
-Demonstrate research capabilities.

-Write resumes and cover letters that provide clear and purposeful information and address the intended audience.
-Write minutes of a meeting and an
-Plan, structure and produce shorter argumentative texts and essays.
-Use page formats, fonts, and spacing that contribute to the readability and impact of the document.

-Identify working styles for team-work and use strategies to collaborate effectively.
-Explore and analyze different cultures and compare critically with their own.


This course follows a content-based, student-centered methodology that includes both inductive and deductive techniques and individual and group work. Based on authentic and relevant oral and written input texts, students develop the skills necessary to perform successfully in the workplace.

At this point, the selection of grammar topics and specific vocabulary is based on the areas of improvement identified in their oral and written output. In addition to linguistic skills, students¿ beliefs are challenged through the exposure to texts and activities that promote critical thinking skills such as identifying the author's position and evaluating different views on the same topic before making a decision.


Topic 1: Future Leaders
Topic 2: a Brighter Future
Topic 3: TOEFL Preparation
Topic 4: Preparing for the Future


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Versión: 8.7.2 [BSC: 8.10]