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Información detallada de curso


Primer semestre 2017
Abr 23, 2024
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Código y Nombre de la Asignatura: IEN 7140 - ELECTRONICA DE POTENCIA
División Académica: División de Ingenierías
Departamento Académico: Dpto.Ing Eléctrica-Electrónica
IEN 4020 Calificación mínima de 3.0
Número de créditos:
Intensidad horaria (semanal para nivel pregrado y total para nivel postgrado):
2.000 Horas de Teoría
2.000 Horas de Laboratorio
Niveles: Educación Continua, Educación Superior Pregrado
Tipos de Horario: Teoría y Laboratorio

The course introduces basic Course power electronic devices such as diodes, transistors, and thyristors, and re-Description views basic concepts of operational amplifiers in the laboratory. Subsequently, power converters (AC–DC,
DC–DC, DC–AC, AC–AC) are analyzed according to performance parameters. Also, application circuitsare presented along with the working principles.
Students have the opportunity to do several lab practices that verify concepts seen in the lecture, especially,rectifiers and phase controlled switching circuits. Moreover, the subject requires reading scientificand technical articles relevant to power electronics, which are then orally presented to the class. This isan opportunity to enhance a collaborative and participative learning process and to keep students up to date with relevant topics as electrical/electronic engineers.


The professional activity of an electrical or electronic engineer involves using or managing electric power in several areas of industry. Most energy conversion and management is carried out by specialized electronic equipment. Therefore it is necessary to include in the professional learning cycle of engineers the basics of such energy transformations and the most important circuits and a knowledge of the parameters that describe their performance. This contributes to create competent and competitive professionals in a
rapid evolving field such as power electronics.
Goals Main. Develop competence to anlayze the operation of power converters, understand their performance parameters and select the most appropiate one according to given applications.


Study power electronic semiconductor devices and their operation.
Understand and analyze the basic circuits for rectifiers (AC!DC) and AC controllers (AC!AC).
Understand and analyze the basic circuits for regulators (DC!DC) and inverters (DC!AC).
Practicing oral abilities presenting technical (scientific) information on applications in PE to the
Practicing use of English language in classroom both spoken and written.
Assessment PO d. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.


Contents are explained by the lecturer in classroom together with some selected exercises and simulations or web animations. Laboratory practices complement the learning and provide design experience. A lab assistant is available to support students. Each student is responsible for the preparation of the coming lectures, whose content is found in this syllabus. There is an oral presentation activity, whose rules are available since the beginning of lectures.
The course is divided into the lecture (theory) session and practical sessions carried out at the lab, each one having 2 hours per week. Lecture methodology:
Students read in advance the corresponding chapters of the main text and the complementary readings.
The theory is presented together with relevant examples and simulations.
Students independently develop selected exercise from the main text. Any questions are welcome in class.
Students will make an oral presentation of one selected topic in the area of power electronics. The topic can be suggested by the student or assigned by the lecturer.
The use of English language is encouraged. The lecture is mostly in English. Student may ask in Spanish, and explanations can be provided in Spanish as well. Exams will be in English and maybe answered in Spanish. The use of English is rewarded with extra grade points!
Lab session methodology:
Students are required to work in groups of up to 4 members.
Each group should combine students from both programs: Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
The practice is guided by a worksheet with excercises, research items and designs.
Students should read the worksheet in advance and ask any question to the lab assistant at the beginning of the practice. In each practice a report must be prepared. This should be written using the IEEE template for scientific articles, see [21]. The language of the report may be either English or Spanish. The use of English is rewarded with extra grade points!
Practices will be defended orally or/and in written form. All group members should be ready to defend the whole practice! It is possible to hand in the reports before the due dates. By doing this you can have the chance of a pre-review, which can quickly reveal what can be improved in your report towards a better grade.
Blackboard, Videobeamer,Media Web Catalog,Websites for simulation and animations (e.g. iPES [3]), LTSpice R
(Linear Technologies), specialized database access, university library. Practices will take place at the Department’s laboratories. The lectuer will make available any study material (books, articles, datasheets, etc) that are not in the library.
Contents Week Date Topic References If only chapter is given, then assume main text[1]
1 27.07 Introduction to the course and to power electronics.
Ch. 1, [2, Ch.1–2],
Ch. 1 of: [5], [6], [8].
Diodes, transistors and thyristors
(SCRs, Triacs, GTOs, IGBT)
[10], [9, Ch. 3]
Lab 1: Safety review.
2 3.08 Power Computations for R,L,C Ch. 2, Ap. A
Energy recovery. Averages and RMS.
Fourier Series. THD [5, Ap. E], [3]
Lab 1: Circuits with OpAmp [15, Ch. 2], [4], [18],
Mandatory: [16, Ch. 1.6]
3 10.08 AC-DC Converters: Half-wave rectifiers Ch. 3, 3,
Uncontrolled: R, RL-load.
Freewheeling diode
5, Ch. 3
Controlled: SCRs; R, RL-load 5, Ch. 10, 9, Ch. 3
Lab: cont. 2
4 17.08 AC-DC: Uncontrollerd full-wave rectifiers Ch. 4, 3
Single-phase, center-tapped transformer [2, Ch. 5]
Loads: R, RL. Output filters: C, LC. 5, Ch. 3
Lab 1: due
Quiz Topics from weeks 1–2
5 24.08 AC-DC: Controlled full-wave rectifiers Ch. 4
RL-load continuous and discont. mode 2, Ch. 6, 5, Ch. 10
3– rectifiers [9, Ch. 3], [5, Ch. 10]
Lab 2: PWM Modulator with OpAmp 4
7 7.09 AC-AC converters Ch. 5
1–AC voltage controller: R, RL-load
3–voltage controllers, cycloconverters 9, Ch. 3
Circuits with SCRs, Triacs, Diacs, UJTs 10, [14], 9, Ch. 3
Lab 2: work
III 14.09 Partial Exam 1 Topics from weeks 1–7
Lab 2: due
9 21.09 DC-DC Converters Ch. 6, 3, 2, Ch. 7
Duty cycle. Converters types 5, Ch. 5
Reducer/Chopper (Buck), Boost 9, Ch. 3
Lab 3: Thyristors and relaxation oscillator
with UJT 4, 10
10 28.09 DC-DC: Buck-Boost and Cˆ uk converters Ch. 6, 3, 2, Ch. 7
Discontinuous mode for Buck and Boost. 5, Ch. 5
Lab 3: work
Lab 3: due
12 5.10 DC-AC converters (Inverters) Ch. 8, 9, Ch. 3
Full-bridge. Square wave inverter.
2, Ch. 8
Lab 4: AC Control with opto-TRIAC and
pulse transformer 4, 10
Oral Pres: Each group has chosen a topic
13 19.10 PWM-based inverters. Harmonics Ch. 8, 3
Three-phase inverters: 6-steps, PWM,
multilevel 9, Ch. 3 2, Ch. 8
Lab 4: due. All labs finished
III 26.10 Partial Exam 2 Topics from weeks 9–12
15 2.11 Oral presentations on selected topics [5], [6], [7], [11], [12], [13], [19]
16 9.11 Oral presentations on selected topics 3


Theory. Exams Evaluation are written and are to be done individually; students may bring a single sheet with any formulas and notes necessary. There will be open questions to evaluate assigned readings from the material, and there will be math problems with design. If exams are answered in English, extra bonus points can be earned. However, answering in Spanish is also welcomed. The usual time for the exams will be 1 hour.
Labs Criteria for the labs are explained by the research assistant in charge. There will be a report (70%) and an oral defense (30%).
Activities Value
Lab 1 10 %
Lab 2 10 %
Partial Exam 1 15 %
Lab 3 10 %
Lab 4 10 %
Partial Exam 2 15 % Withdraw limit date
Presentation 15 %
Final (Cumulative) 15 %
Bibliography Main
[1] HART, Daniel. Power Electronics. McGraw-Hill, 2011. 477 p. ISBN 978-007-128930-6. ISigTop (1997, en Ingl ´es) 621.317 H325; (2008, en Espa˜ nol) 621.381 H325
Main text (mandatory). The basic topics of Power Electronics are presented with clear and easy-to-follow explanations. The book is intented for a one-semester course in undergraduate
level, for which basic knowledge of electronic devices, circuit theory and Fourier series is required. Topics include: a review of power computations, rectifiers, DC
converters, AC voltage controllers, and Inverters. Numerous examples and simulations (PSpice) are provided to ease the understanding.
[2] MOHAN, Ned et al. Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design.
3Ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2002. 824 p. ISBN 047-122-693-9; (in Spanish)
ISBN 970-107-248-0: ask the lecturer for this book. ISigTop (2Ed, in English) 621.38152 M697P
Excellent textbook with comprehensive explanation of the fundamentals, current technologies, power converters (CA-CC, CC-CC, CC-CA), applications to power supplies
and motor drives. It covers semiconductor physics and the operation of the most used electronic devices (diodes, transistors, thyristors). Finally, practical considerations in
converter design are presented. The book has many end-of-chapter problems with solutions in accompanying material.
[3] KOLAR, Johan. Interactive Power Electronics Seminar (iPES). Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
(ETH) Zurich. 2013. Available Online:
Excellent website with many converters and miscellaneous circuit simulations that run in the browser directly. These help to understand the concepts taught in the lecture. Although
direct simulation with e.g., LTSpiceTM, is the best, a first hand experience should be gained with the circuits in this website.
[4] CASTILLO, Rafael et al. Manual de gu´ıas de laboratorio de Electr ´onica de Potencia. Departamento de Ing. El ´ ectrica y Electr ´ onica, Universidad del Norte. Sin Publicar. Revisi ´on 2013 (En Espa˜ nol).
Conjunto de gu´ıas para el laboratorio. Estar´a disponible en el Cat´alogo Web desde el inicio de clases. Sugerencias al contenido y dem´as correcciones son bienvenidas!4
[5] RASHID, Muhammad. Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications. 3rd Ed. Prentice-Hall, 2004. 880 p. ISBN 013-101-140-5. ISigTop 621.317 R224p; (en Espa˜ nol) 621.381 R224e; (2Ed.
1993, en Espa˜ nol) 621.381 R224
Complete textbook and good companion to the lecture. It covers the main topics on power semiconductor devices, rectifiers (based on both, diodes and on thyristors), DCDC
converter, Inverters and AC controllers. Complementary topics include: power supplies, DC and AC drives, static switches, gate drive circuits. Flexible AC Transmission
Systems (FACTS) are first presented in this 3Ed. of the book. [6] RASHID, Muhammad. Power Electronics Handbook: Devices, Circuits and Applications, 3Ed.
Butterworth-Heinemann – Elsevier, 2011. 1389 p. ISBN 978-012-382-036-5. (Ask the lecturer for the book)
Comprehensive state-of-the-art reference book. It covers: modern power semiconductor devices, power converters and in-depth study of their operation (AC-DC, DC-DC, DCAC,
and AC-AC), and several applications in areas such as power supplies, UPS, power generation and distribution, motor drives, and control techniques.
[7] KREIN, Philip. Elements of power electronics. Oxford: The University. USA, 1998. 766 p.
ISBN 019-511-701-8. ISigTop 621.317 K92
Good and comprehensive textbook. It uses from the beginning the switching matrix approach to study switching circuits. The book presents the main converters types: rectifiers,
DC-DC, Inverters, and AC-AC (devoted chapter). The book then presents the effects of real components in PE circuits, and the main aspects in converter control.
[8] ERICKSON, Robert and MAKSIMOVICˆ , Dragan. Fundamentals of Power Electronics, 2nd Ed. Springer, 2001. 883 p. ISBN 079-237-270-0. (Ask the lecturer for the book)
Very good book dealing with the theoretical fundaments of power electronic circuit design. This book concetrates more on the models and designs than on particular implementations.
The audience is expected to have a background in circuit and control theory. Several theoretical tools are presented to analyze converters. Semiconductor physics as
well as magnetic principles are provided to better understand and properly design converters. Modern rectifiers and harmonics reductions are treated extensively. The book
closes with resonant coverters.
[9] CHAPMAN, Stephen. M´aquinas El ´ ectricas, 4Ed. McGraw-Hill, 2005. 744 p. ISBN 970-104-947-0.
ISigTop 621.31042 Ch466mq (In English: ask the lecturer for the book)
El Cap. 3 (lectura recomendada) desarrolla concisamente (80 p.) todo el contenido de electronica de potencia, desde los dispositivos semiconductores m´as representativos,
los distintos convertidores AC y DC, circuitos de disparo para tiristores y un buena explicacion de cicloconvertidores (AC-AC). Nota: a partir de la 5Ed este tema no aparece
en el texto! Use la 4Ed.
[10] LILEN, Henri. Tiristores y Triacs - Principios y aplicaciones de los tiristores, triacs, diacs, SBS, fototiristores, etc., con esquemas de aplicaci ´on. Marcombo, 1986. 267 p. ISBN 842-670-981-3.
ISigTop 621.381528 L728
Excelente libro con explicaciones sencillas acerca de tiristores, su fabricaci ´on y operacion. Tiene un enfoque pr ´ actico con muchos circuitos para montaje en laboratorio.
Cubre entre otros dispositivos (lectura recomendada): Triac, Diac, SUS/SBS, UJT.
Presenta varios circuitos para el gobierno de compuerta, tanto en CC como en CA: s´ıncronos, as´ıncronos, por ´angulo de conducci´on, disparos ´opticos y magn´ eticos. Finaliza
con aplicaciones en relevadores (rel ´es) y regulaci ´on por conmutaci ´on: variaci ´on de intensidad de luz, de velocidad en motores, y gobierno en cargas inductivas en CA.
[11] DAMAYE, R. y GAGNE, C. Fuentes de alimentaci ´on electr ´onicas conmutadas. Editorial Paraninfo,
1995. 324 p. ISBN 842-832-197-3. ISigTop 621.38153 D155
Libro rico en esquematicos y guias para el dise˜no de fuentes conmutadas y pruebas en
el laboratorio. Trata los temas de convertidores, fuentes auxiliares, arm´onicos, protecciones y mediciones en las fuentes de alimentaci´on.
[12] HINGORANI, Narain and GYUGYI, Laszlo. Understanding FACTS - Concepts and technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems. IEEE Press, 2000. 429 p. ISBN 078-033-455-8. (Ask the lecturer for the book)
This book presents the application of power semiconductor devices in AC tranmission systems. The purpose of FACTS is explained together with their basic configurations.
Then, voltage/current-sourced converters (controlled rectifiers) are introduced. Next, different compensators are studied: SVC, STATCOM, Capacitive series compensators,
static voltage and phase angle regulators, and combinations thereof. Finally, application cases are presented.
[13] KISSEL, Thomas. Industrial Electronics – Applications for Programmable Controllers, Instrumentation and Process Control, and Electrical Machines and Motor Controls, 3Ed. Prentice Hall, 2003.
904 p. ISBN 0-13-060241-8. ISigTop 621.381 K61 Chapter 7 (p. 248-285) deals with power conversion. It has a main exercise simulating a real job assignment and several end-chapter problems: open questions, true/false, multiple choice, and problems.
[14] REHG, James and SARTORI, Glenn. Industrial Electronics. Prentice-Hall, 2006. 862 p.
ISBN 013-206-418-9. ISigTop 621.381 R345
The book has many pictures of actual industrial sensors and actuators with their symbols, which offers learners a good start in industrial electronics and automation. Ch. 2
presents several kinds of switches and actuators such as relays, contactors, valves, together with control diagrams. Ch. 4 offers an overview of OpAmps and applications. Ch.
5 deals with SCRs, TRIACs and other thyristors. Operation is explained and triggering circuits are presented, as well as datasheets and numerous examples.
[15] SEDRA, Adel and SMITH, Kenneth. Microelectronic Circuits. International 6 Ed. Oxford Unversity
Press. New York, 2011. 1377 p. ISBN 978-019-973-851-9. ISigTop 621.3815 S449m
Standard textbook in electronics. It has a nice introduction to operational amplifier circuits with the ideal model(recommended). The book then develops linear circuit analysis
of circuits with diodes and transistors.
[16] COUGHLIN, Robert y DRISCOLL, Frederick. Operational Amplifiers and Linear
Integrated Circuits, 6Ed. Prentice-Hall, 2000. 5290 p. ISBN 013-014-991-8.
ISigTop (4Ed, 1993, en Espa˜ nol): 621.3815 C854
Excellent book that introduces OpAmps with practical recomendations about safety and failure avoidance in the lab (mandatory reading: Ch. 1.6). It shows an wide variety of
applications from signal conditioning to non-linear circuits.
[17] FLOYD, Thomas. Principles of electric circuits: conventional current convention. Prentice Hall, 2007.
948 p.ISBN 013-170-179-7. ISigTop 621.3192 F645p; (En Espa˜ nol 621.3192 F645pr)
The text contains basic topics about resistors, capacitors, inductors, as well as grounding
and safety (Cap. 2.4-7, 12.1–2, 13.1–2); basic applications to electrovalves, speakers and relays (Cap. 10.1–3).
[18] WITTE, Robert. Electronic Test Instruments, 2Ed. Prentice-Hall, 2002. 371 p. ISBN 013-066-830-3.
ISigTop 621.37 W828 The book covers the operation and handling of laboratory test equipment such as: multimeters, signal generators, oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers and others. It also deals
with safety aspects (grounding and shielding) by indicating recommendations and good
19] BALCELLS, Joseph, et al. Interferencias electromagn´ eticas en sistemas electr ´onicos. Alfaomega,
1992. 421 p. ISBN 968-622-387-8. ISigTop 621.381 I61
Trata extensivamente el tema de interferencias en circuitos electr ´onicos. Particularmente son de inter ´es los temas de las fuentes de interferencia y las soluciones a este
problema por medio del buen dise˜no de masas y tierra (Cap. 2,3,8 y Ap´endice 5).
[20] RAILSBACK, Jeniffer. Project-based Instruction: Creating Excitement for Learning. Planning & Program Development. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, 2002. 64 p. Available Online:
Presenta la justificaci ´on pedag´ogica de la ense˜nanza basada en proyectos, junto con dos casos de estudio. Esta teor´ıa es fundamento para la metodolog´ıa del proyecto integrador
usado en el laboratorio de la asignatura.
[21] IEEE. Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings. IEEE Official Website. Available Online:
Este es el template que ser´a usado para los reportes de laboratorio. La secci´on de bibliograf´ıa tiene especial consideraci ´on en lo que respecta a la calidad y fiabilidad de
las fuentes usadas. Consulte este aspecto con el docente o asistente del laboratorio
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