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AURORA - Sistema de Información Académico



Información detallada de curso


Primer semestre 2017
May 12, 2024
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Código y Nombre de la Asignatura: ADM 7455 - MEZCLA DE MERCADEO INTERNACIONAL
División Académica: Escuela de Negocios
Departamento Académico: Dpto. Mercadeo y Neg. Internac
MDO 4090 Calificación mínima de 3.0 o MDO 4095 Calificación mínima de 3.0
Número de créditos:
Intensidad horaria (semanal para nivel pregrado y total para nivel postgrado):
3.000 Horas de Teoría
0.000 Horas de Laboratorio
Niveles: Educación Continua, Educación Superior Pregrado
Tipos de Horario: Teoría

This course begins with a review of the main marketing fundamentals concepts.
After that and during the main development of this course, we are going to critically explore each element of the traditional marketing mix (product, price, place and promotion) and the complementary elements of the services mix (people, process and physical evidence) from different points of view, in order to achieve a broad understanding of them, their importance and their limitations for marketing strategy.

3. Justificación.
Developing an understanding of the marketing mix, its elements and their importance will help the student to acquire some of the necessary skills in marketing which can be applied in an international environment. The accurate understanding of these elements will allow the students to design competitive marketing tactics in competitive markets with demanding consumers which act globally.

4. Objetivo general de la asignatura.

Esta asignatura se orientará a:
The course is oriented towards Guiding the student in the understanding, development and application of the concepts of the marketing mix in different contexts internationally in an ethical manner

5. Resultados de Aprendizaje:

Al finalizar la asignatura, los estudiantes deben estar en capacidad de:

Competence dimension
Learning results
Knowledge (know how)
Explain the concepts of the marketing mix, according to the convergence of the actions of an international consumer. Explain the development of the marketing mix, given complex situations in different international contexts, Understand and remember the concepts related to the key concepts, terms and their relationship to and within the marketing mix

Skills (know what to do)
Be able to identify opportunities and consumer demands internationally and analyze them to better off marketing mix proposals. Know how to use the concepts of the marketing mix in international contexts in an ethical form

Attitudes (know how to be)
Argue positions, solve problems, and make informed decisions related to the marketing mix for local, regional, national or international companies in an ethical manner


Code of Ethics, Rules, Classroom Civility Code, Evaluation, Group

Unethical Marketing, Wasteful Marketing,
Exemplary Marketing and Dumb Marketing.
Restoring Marketing Practice

Products, Brands and Experiences
New Product Development and Product Life Cycle Stages
Services and Service Relationships


Marketing Channels

Communicating Customer Value: Integrated
Marketing Communication Strategy
Advertising, Public Relations, Personal Selling an Sales Promotion


Pricing Concepts and Setting the Right Price

7. Bibliografía Básica de la asignatura.

Lamb, C; Hair, J and McDaniel, C (2013) MKTG6. Cengage Learning

Selected Readings Provided via Blackboard


Kotler, P and Armstrong, G (2010) Principles of Marketing. 13th Edition. Prentice Hall
Journal of Marketing
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Harvard Business Review
Journal of Marketing Management

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Versión: 8.7.2 [BSC: 8.10]