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Información detallada de curso


Primer semestre 2017
Abr 26, 2024
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Código y Nombre de la Asignatura: ADM 0058 - PORT MANAGEMENT
División Académica: Escuela de Negocios
Departamento Académico: Dpto. Mercadeo y Neg. Internac
ADM 0054 Calificación mínima de 3.0
Número de créditos:
Intensidad horaria (semanal para nivel pregrado y total para nivel postgrado):
3.000 Horas de Teoría
0.000 Horas de Laboratorio
Niveles: Educación Superior Pregrado
Tipos de Horario: Teoría

The course Port Management is based on the study of the port system in a theoretical frame and at regional, national and international level as well as the modalities and media of transport (maritime, river, on land, aerial and multimodal) and the infrastructures and locations of the system (ports, airports, roads and others). Likewise, we consider the management principles of companies and businesses related with transport, concerning organizational, operative, commercial, service quality, economical-financial and technological aspects.

3. Justification

Ports are the main links in the continuity of transport logistic operations and the provision chains. They are in charge of the transit of goods and therefore, they have developed high technical standards and implemented interesting logistic processes with the aim of meeting their clients’ needs of proper and agile delivery.

Lately, one of the strategies being adopted by ports to be more competitive in the globalization process is to apply the logistic approach to their administrative and operative management. Currently, providing a service with a standard quality and at low prices and to develop and exhausting commercial and promoting activity is not enough because clients, additionally, wan to receive a greater quality of added values during the port operation. The former describes one of the challenges of ports as enterprises, which can face the application of port logistics combined with the transport systems.

4. Competences to be developed

To manage and distribute the different resources involved in the process of Logistic Management of Ports with the aim of knowing and applying the basic principles for the development of the most efficient management.

5. Course general objective

This course aims at: analyzing and understanding entrepreneurial planning, organization and direction with emphasis in the port area, deepening in the study of the role played by ports in transport and knowing in depth their organization and planning peculiarities and contract ways.

6. Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to:

Knowledge (to know, to learn):
To describe the elements forming the port logistic system)
To recognize the port technical and exploitation characteristics
To describe the basic characteristics of the port management and administration
To understand the port particular characteristics as an enterprise in its logistics management
To understand the importance of ports in the management of provision logistics chains.

Abilities (know how)
To identify the different types of ports and port terminals and their use based on the type of goods to be transported
To identify the structure of the Colombian port system
To analyze the different operations which form port logistics
To analyze the basic aspects of planning, organization and direction in the port area

Attitudes (know how to be)
To strengthen the ability of analysis and decision making which will allow students to widen their vision of logistic management of port administration

7. Course breakdown

Module I. Port models, privatization and competiveness:
Port ownership.
Ownership models.
Privatization models.
Port competitiveness.
The Colombian case.
Module 1 reading: Port models

Module II. International trade and sea transport:
World trade and the port role
Maritime Management.
Goods, routes and traffic.
Elements of sea transport.
The ship. Loading and downloading systems
Module 2 reading: International trade and sea transport

Module III. Technical management of ports:
Port morphology.
Technology in port development.
Physical aspects of ports.
Module 3 reading: Technical management of ports

Module IV. Ports as enterprises:
Ports strategic planning.
Safety management in ports
Environmental management in ports
Commercial management in ports
Information management in ports
Project and infrastructure work management in ports.
Reading module 4: Ports as enterprises

Module V. Port operations:
Services to ships.
Services to goods.
Intemodality services.
Added value services.
Reading module 5 Port operations.

Module VI. Specialization of port terminals:
Introduction to terminal management.
Specialized terminals.
The port and the logistics chain.
Information systems.
Ports facing globalization.
Reading module 6: specialization of port terminals

Module VII. Colombian port system: General analysis of the Colombian port system (present and future)
Reading: Port Statute and Reading Module 7: Colombian port system

8. Methodological options-Learning Activities

Lecture: Explain the different topics of the program contents. In these sessions, the general concepts will be explained and applied examples of the Colombian port sector will be developed.
Reading controls: To guarantee effective participation of students it is necessary their responsible preparation of the topics. This will ensure the dialectic development of the class and the understanding of concepts more than a simple students-professor encounter.
Others (videos and visits): Videos of different ports in the world will be presented where students will observe their administration and management of operations.
Discussion forums: Discussions and dialogues developed within the course will take place in an orderly manner, with coherent, proper and pertinent language related to the port logistic scenario and taking advantage of all the opportunities for exercising the construction of good consensus and for becoming conscious of moral and ethical principles.

9. Evaluation

First Partial Test: Port models, foreign trade, sea transport and technical management of ports will be evaluated. Week 6; 25%.
Second Partial Test: The modules Ports and enterprises and port operations will be evaluated. Week 12; 5%.
Quizzes, homework, class work, others: At the end of each module, there will be a quiz about the topic or of its corresponding Reading. Throughout the term; 20%. Final Exam: The final exam will include all the topics developed during the term. Week 16; 30%.

10. Bibliography

Guillermo MacDonnell Martínez, Julio Pindter Vega, Luis Herrejón, Juan Pizá and Héctor López. Ingeniería Marítima y Portuaria. First edition, México D.F. Editorial Alfaomega. 1998. ISBN 970-15-0258-2
Domingo Moreno, Caroline Urrego and Ernesto Vergara. Estatuto Portuario de Puertos Marítimos. Jurisprudencia, concordancias y comentarios. First edition, Colombia, Editorial Consorcio Interamerican Inatlantic S.A. 1995. ISBN 958-616-257-5
Aquilino Blanco Álvarez. Los Transportes Marítimos de línea Regular. Primera Edición, Valencia España 1997. Editorial Diario del Puerto de Valencia, S.L. 1997. ISBN 84-922301-1-8
COPRES Occidente. Ordenamiento Físico Portuario de los litorales colombianos, capitulo 3, caracterización de la infraestructura portuaria. Noviembre de 1999
Boletín informativo de Anave no 484 marzo de 2009 Los Retos del transporte marítimo.
CEPAL Boletín Marítimo. Crisis: efectos en la actividad marítimo portuaria de América Latina y el Caribe. Gabriel Pérez. Abril 2009
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Versión: 8.7.2 [BSC: 8.10]