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Primer semestre 2017
Abr 25, 2024
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Código y Nombre de la Asignatura: ADM 0057 - GLOBAL BUSINESS PROTOCOL
División Académica: Escuela de Negocios
Departamento Académico: Dpto. Mercadeo y Neg. Internac
ADM 0053 Calificación mínima de 3.0
Número de créditos:
Intensidad horaria (semanal para nivel pregrado y total para nivel postgrado):
3.000 Horas de Teoría
0.000 Horas de Laboratorio
Niveles: Educación Superior Pregrado
Tipos de Horario: Teoría

In International Business, it is necessary to know and study in depth the different ways to make and celebrate business depending on the culture of human groups in the different countries of the world. To do this, we have to get into the study of cultures, with their traditions, uses and customs in the way of doing and closing business and how the different cultures must adapt to different surroundings avoiding value judgments with the aim of understanding the reasons and historical background of these traditions in order to attain harmony in the international negotiation process. This means adapting manners, norms and etiquette in business meetings, social encounters, oral and body language use and person and personal image

3. Justificación.
To understand the different elements and characteristics of the international business protocol we need a revision of the different cultures, their etiquette norms and the entrepreneurial and social protocol, manners, image and time handling, among other aspects. All these elements are part of a good role during the development of businesses in different countries.

4. Objetivo general de la asignatura.

Esta asignatura se orientará a:
Offer students the opportunity to research and study the habits and customs of different cultures and human groups of the countries with which we have the greatest commercial exchange or by economic blocks with similar characteristics. We will study some of the main historical antecedents of the development and evolution of the entrepreneurial etiquette and protocol.

5. Resultados de Aprendizaje:

Al finalizar la asignatura, los estudiantes deben estar en capacidad de:

Institutional basic Competency: Critical Thinking, Systematic Thinking
Generic Competences: Decision Making, Practical Thinking Abstraction, Analysis and Synthesis

Specific Competences:
Communication, Citizenship

6. Temas de la asignatura.

Business protocol

Entrepreneurial values, Public reception and attention, Business etiquette, Business appointments, Work meetings, Treatment between executives, Corporative protocol and etiquette department
Behavior of an executive, Business travels

International Business Etiquette

Greetings in different cultures, Presents: Receiving and giving presents, European Union countries, Asian countries, North African countries, South African countries, Oceania countries, North American countries, Latin American countries, Middle East countries, Business Etiquette and Protocol

Integrity and Ethics

Punctuality, Discretion, Courtesy and positivism, Categories of interlocutors, Telephone etiquette, Courtesy, Respect for hierarchies, Corporal expression, Body components: Face, Look, Hands, Body

Online Etiquette
Net-tiquette, E-mail. Norms for e-mail receptors and emissary

Phone Etiquette

Norms for events and business meetings, Incoming calls, Telephone courtesy, Table MannersCutlery and its use. Seat distribution, Menu, Menu basic rules. Cups and glasses distribution on the table.Dishes and plates distribution, Etiquette in restaurants. The napkin, Systems for serving the table. (English, Russian, French and Western), Table manners

Wine Etiquette

History of wine, Wine classification, Wine serving, Wine glassesWine menus. Stages.

Vocabulary for wine tasting.

Personal image, Courtesy rules. Appropriate greetings: arrival, farewell Executive women wardrobe. Executive men wardrobe.

7. Bibliografía Básica de la asignatura.

Printed Books

Rogelio Echeverry, Mónica Restrepo. Protocolo Ceremonial y Etiqueta.Convergraf. Medellín 2008.
Ana Eloísa Zúñiga. Etiqueta Moderna. Intermedio Editores. Bogotá 2006
Carmen Cuadrado Esclapez. Protocolo y Comunicación en la Empresa y los Negocios. Fundación CONFEMETAL, 2003.
Diana Neira. Manual imagen de mujer. Villegas editores. 2004
Eliana Gherardi. Cómo hacer eventos exitosos. Intermedio editores. Bogotá 2004
Evelia Porto de Mejía. El Arte de la Etiqueta. Ediciones Gamma. Duodécima edición, 2001
F. y R. Torralva Tomas. Los buenos modales. Editorial el Drag, S. L. España 1998
Diana Neira. Manual imagen de mujer. Villegas editores. 2004
José Antonio de Urbina. El Arte de Invitar, su Protocolo. Editorial El Ateneo, Madrid, España. 1992.
José Antonio de Urbina. El Gran Libro del Protocolo, , Ediciones Temas de Hoy, Madrid, España. 2001.
Manuel A. Carreño. Manual de Urbanidad y buenas maneras. Panamericana. 1997
Margot McCloskey Colon. Etiqueta para Profesionales. Editorial Norma, Bogotá, Colombia, 2002.
María Rosa Collell. Etiqueta Social: Preguntas y Respuestas, Ediciones Gestión 2000 S.A., Barcelona, España, 2003
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